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Case History and M.S.E.

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Taking Case History and Mental Status Examination is the first step towards understanding your clients before you start their counselling and psychotherapy session. This workshop is therefore designed for psychology students and aspiring psychologists who wish to become efficient counsellors and psychotherapists in future. This workshop will give you a step by step guide towards taking case history of the client and examining his or her mental status. Bothe the psychometric tools will be provided to the students who enrol in the workshop.

Details Of the Workshop

Title Of The Workshop- Case History and Mental Status Examination

Duration- 2 hours

Platform-Google Meet

Date and Time- (Yet to be announced)

Price- Rs.299

Facilitator- Ms.T.Safri (Ph.D. Psychology)

Is certificate provided?- Yes. A soft copy of the certificate is provided.

Is Recording Provided?- No

Contact Us: 6291882836

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